Bayelsa State Government has announced that the local government councils in the state will soon begin implementing various development projects across the state.

According to the state Commissioner for Local Government Administration, Hon. Agatha Goma, the projects will cover critical areas such as road construction, water supply, health facilities, and education infrastructure.

Goma noted that the state government has released funds to the councils for the projects and urged the councils to ensure that the projects are executed in a timely and efficient manner.

“The state government is committed to ensuring that every part of Bayelsa State experiences development, and this can only be achieved through the implementation of projects that directly impact the lives of our people,” Goma said.

She also called on the people of the state to support the councils in the execution of the projects, adding that the government will ensure transparency and accountability in the management of the funds released for the projects.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON) in the state, Hon. Barrister Boma Spero-Jack, expressed gratitude to the state government for releasing the funds and promised that the councils would do their best to ensure that the projects are completed on time and to the satisfaction of the people.

“The councils are fully committed to ensuring that the projects are executed to the best of our abilities, and we are confident that with the support of the state government and the people, we will succeed in bringing development to our various communities,” Spero-Jack said.

The commencement of the projects is expected to boost the state’s economy, create jobs, and improve the living standards of the people.